It’s grilling season! As a vegetarian, I shied away from grilling for so many years. I always associated it with throwing meat on the grill. However, there are also great plant-based proteins like tempeh that do well on the grill (not to mention the plethora of vegetables that taste delicious grilled). Unlike other soy products, tempeh has a dense texture that allows it to hold together well. No falling apart and slipping through the grates with this option!
Tempeh is a fermented soy product originating from Indonesia. While its texture makes it a good grilling option, it can take some time to get used to! Its neutral flavor profile makes it super versatile. This allows it to assume any spices or sauces you throw at it! Tempeh is nutrient dense and is considered one of the best plant-based protein sources. It contains nearly 16 grams of protein in just a single 3-ounce serving! A fermented soy product, tempeh is also rich in probiotics, which support gut health, boost immune function and combats chronic inflammation. It’s a good source of antioxidants (combats oxidative stress), calcium (promotes bone health) and niacin (helps lower cholesterol). It also contains mycellium, an enzyme that makes tempeh easily digestible relative to other soy products. All of these benefits, coupled with the anti-inflammatory superpower of this spice mixture, makes this an optimal option for those summer nights of grilling and chilling.
Can’t convince the entire family to try tempeh? Use the same spice mixture on chicken – it’s a huge hit!
I’ve written about the controversial issues surrounding soy in previous posts. My recommendation is to eat soy in moderation (no more than 2x per week), stick mostly with fermented soy options (such as tempeh as well as miso and natto) and buy certified GMO-free soy products.
Leftover Grilled Spiced Tempeh tastes delicious the next day in a quinoa garlicky kale lunch bowl – or in this case, a To-Go jar!

Grilled Spiced Tempeh
- 1 8-oz pkg tempeh
- 1/4 tsp cumin
- 1/4 tsp paprika
- 1/4 tsp turmeric
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp curry powder
- dash red chili flakes
- 1 small garlic crushed
- 1 Tbsp avocado oil
Cut tempeh into 12 equally sized blocks.
In a medium bowl, combine spices, crushed garlic and avocado oil. Add tempeh to the bowl. Stir to cover tempeh with spice mixture well.
Put tempeh pieces on skewers.
Grill for around 8 minutes, rotating occasionally.